Thursday, April 29, 2010

Libbin' It Up

For the few of you lovelies who may have noticed my absence from "Tarable Times", I would ask your forgiveness and understanding as I have been devoted to my final semester of graduate school. I know, "What happened to the CredoReference posts? Was it worth all that time and energy spent analyzing its searchability features, content, and user-friendliness?"...yes it was. But I have moved on to bigger and more complex things.
Soon, there will be a link on this page (under Arts/Humanities-->Fashion/Textiles) for a research guide titled, "Textiles" which yours truly created over the course of this semester for part of her practicum in the academic library reference world. Please be patient: it's only a matter of weeks.
Additionally, I rounded out my semester with the last archives class: Problems in Archives and Manuscripts Administration; as well as an up-and-coming class in the School of Library and Information Studies curriculum: Tribal Libraries, Archives, and Museums (also known as TLAM).
I will do my best to post more information about these classes, the work involved with them and my non-school jobs, and perhaps a little something about myself. Cheers!